Gender Roles and Stereotypes đź’‘
Monday, 24th of
September, 2018

Some examples of consequences were more remarkable in the past than in the present, in the home: dad was a base of family because he was the only one who could work, on the contrary the mom stayed in the house, caring the kids and she was always cooked but she never has an opportunity for went to work or studied. Nevertheless the roles have changed, and now men and women work and care the kids or cook.
Although this
stereotype has been in the past, in nowadays, yet exist this discrimination for
the women, even jokes are made about this topic. A specific place where we find
gender roles is on the books, here we discover clichés or stereotypes proposed
in the typical love novels such as: the main character, a man must be very
strong, handsome, chivalrous and always, always have a mission, he must conquer
the shy, innocent girl, and she must wait to the blue prince, also this usually
happens in the fairy tales but exist there are few stories that show the girl
as a strong woman that does not need a man to be happy and get your dreams.
For finishing
this blog, I want to invite the people to make aware of this topic, make people
understand that we are not in the past, the things have changed, now everything
is more equality for this reason the stereotypes and gender roles should
disappear. And now the people should say the women and men are same.